Tuesday 7 October 2014

The Final Impression of Critical Literacy

     Assalammualaikum to the readers, this will be my last entry for me in order to complete this assign. In this entry I am required to express what is my perception towards Critical Literacy since I already reach the end of this course. After all the classes and lessons that I gone through in course I have to say that it is an eye opener for me. It truly change my perception toward  this course. All the lesson in this course has help me a lot in my decision making. I would to give my gratitude to Madam Zariati for keep on guiding me relentlessly so that I understand perfectly the purpose of the course and I also would like to thank my group mates for always there in doing group work and always picked me up whenever I stumbled.

    In this course I learned about rule of ten. This rules is vital in analyzing article or writing from any source. I greatly help me comprehend what the author is trying to convey in their work. Basically it make me become more open minded and it take me to another level of understanding. I don't think I will look at any reading material the same.

    As for comment and suggestion, there are not much to improve in the conducting the lesson as all the lesson I learned are very interesting ,informative and stimulating. Which where I hope the lesson will stay the same as I wanted the next batch will have same experience as I did.

Thank you and Assalamualaikum.

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