Tuesday 7 October 2014

Money does not guarantees happiness.

        Assalammualikum and greeting to all of my readers. The situation I have been given for my third entry is "if money were the only criterion by which a child's welfare can be gauged, then a baby bought for as much as RM40,000  on the black market would seem set for life. For money-rich but child-poor couples, it is a small price to pay to introduce a small life into their homes. The cot is glided, the blanket monogrammed, the college fun filled to the brim. All that's wanting is a bun in the oven. And where there is a baby-for-sale racket, money can indeed buy happiness. And after all, why not?" 

         My agreement towards the statement for which "money can indeed buy happiness" is disagree. This because money is indeed can buy happiness but not the kind of happiness which come the heart. But in this case money is used to buy baby by the money-rich but poor-child couples. Which why I strongly disagree with that statement because there is a better way for those couples to have a child their marriage life and wanting a bun in the oven is not the right solution to cure their craving of having a child. They could just adopt a child from orphanage which is a better way to do.

           Furthermore baby-for-sale are no different than human trafficking. The couple are so immersed with the thought them finally having a child in their life they were blind of where the money they spend on buying the baby will go and most importantly they don't realize that their action only encourage those black market dealer to do more deal like this.

It's true that a family without a child is not a happy family as a child holds the ray happiness which will shine through the family life that rich-money but poor-child couple seeks but dealing with black market dealer to have a child truly not the right decision to make for any couple or anyone. Using money is the easiest way to be happy but not achieved true happiness that has been sought by everyone. One's will not gain true happiness with the power of money. True happiness need to be earned as it need time and dedication.

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