Tuesday 7 October 2014

The Final Impression of Critical Literacy

     Assalammualaikum to the readers, this will be my last entry for me in order to complete this assign. In this entry I am required to express what is my perception towards Critical Literacy since I already reach the end of this course. After all the classes and lessons that I gone through in course I have to say that it is an eye opener for me. It truly change my perception toward  this course. All the lesson in this course has help me a lot in my decision making. I would to give my gratitude to Madam Zariati for keep on guiding me relentlessly so that I understand perfectly the purpose of the course and I also would like to thank my group mates for always there in doing group work and always picked me up whenever I stumbled.

    In this course I learned about rule of ten. This rules is vital in analyzing article or writing from any source. I greatly help me comprehend what the author is trying to convey in their work. Basically it make me become more open minded and it take me to another level of understanding. I don't think I will look at any reading material the same.

    As for comment and suggestion, there are not much to improve in the conducting the lesson as all the lesson I learned are very interesting ,informative and stimulating. Which where I hope the lesson will stay the same as I wanted the next batch will have same experience as I did.

Thank you and Assalamualaikum.

Life is nothing but an illusion as world is a stage.

     Assalammualaikum and greeting to all the reader and I hope you have a pleasant day today. The topic I have been given for my forth entry is "Proposition: Life is a mere illusion and just like the world is a stage as we use it as a stepping stone for  showcase of our talents."

     For which that topic is where I would like to agree upon. Because it true as what the statement stated that the life that we been living in is nothing but as an illusion where we couldn't achieved what we wanted in life and we have to tell ourselves lies every single day just to make through the day unless we do something is despicable to achieved our dream. Whereas not every dream that we dream during our childhood is likely able to achieved as when we were young we don't know much about the reality of the world since the only thing we can see when we were a child everything is
wonderful and if we put our back into what we were doing we will surely achieved that and yet what we don't know is that maybe we are not the one holding ourselves back but it was our surrounding, the people we know, the culture in that we live in for a while now. Quoted Albert Einstein, "reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one".

     Furthermore, life itself is where I believe we need to struggle to survive through every single day as what we are doing is not what truly wanted to do. Which is why what need to realize is that what we are today is because of the decision that we made yesterday and if the result of our decision making keep give out same result it means that we need to take other option when we were in our decision making process. The society themselves also tend to not show their true selves. If we look at the way of their life and their lifestyle doesn't match at all. The society have the tendency of not showing who they really are because not every physical appearance can reflect on what type of a person in the society. According to Ferguson Ross, "We identify people by their features, possessions, status, career, and social associations – but these are merely the people, props, and plotlines of our lives, they are not what’s important; what’s important is our being.  What’s important is who we are on the inside."

    As a conclusion, what we perceive is not what we usually assumed. Everyone has their one side that they don't show to anyone but themselves. Because they are afraid of others will have the same perception as they have towards themselves.     

Money does not guarantees happiness.

        Assalammualikum and greeting to all of my readers. The situation I have been given for my third entry is "if money were the only criterion by which a child's welfare can be gauged, then a baby bought for as much as RM40,000  on the black market would seem set for life. For money-rich but child-poor couples, it is a small price to pay to introduce a small life into their homes. The cot is glided, the blanket monogrammed, the college fun filled to the brim. All that's wanting is a bun in the oven. And where there is a baby-for-sale racket, money can indeed buy happiness. And after all, why not?" 

         My agreement towards the statement for which "money can indeed buy happiness" is disagree. This because money is indeed can buy happiness but not the kind of happiness which come the heart. But in this case money is used to buy baby by the money-rich but poor-child couples. Which why I strongly disagree with that statement because there is a better way for those couples to have a child their marriage life and wanting a bun in the oven is not the right solution to cure their craving of having a child. They could just adopt a child from orphanage which is a better way to do.

           Furthermore baby-for-sale are no different than human trafficking. The couple are so immersed with the thought them finally having a child in their life they were blind of where the money they spend on buying the baby will go and most importantly they don't realize that their action only encourage those black market dealer to do more deal like this.

It's true that a family without a child is not a happy family as a child holds the ray happiness which will shine through the family life that rich-money but poor-child couple seeks but dealing with black market dealer to have a child truly not the right decision to make for any couple or anyone. Using money is the easiest way to be happy but not achieved true happiness that has been sought by everyone. One's will not gain true happiness with the power of money. True happiness need to be earned as it need time and dedication.

Women Shouldn't.

"Women shouldn't be behind the wheel" That statement can be perceive in many perspective. That statement can be perceived that women shouldn't be a leader and also it can be perceived that women cannot given any opportunity just like men gets yet in my own understanding of the statement is that women shouldn't be on the road, driving.

Based on my own experience most of the incompetence driver on the road is women, maybe it is because of my own judgemental towards women driver or maybe it is just coincidence that the only driver that been on my nerve are only women and not men. Unfortunately for women drivers, I strongly oppose women for them to drive on the road. But in these modern days, women driver increase more in numbers if we compared it with the past. Why did I claimed that women shouldn't be behind the wheel is because that most of the drivers that drives slowly on the fast lane which on the right side of the road is women, and why did I said that “based on my experience” is because before I entered college I involved in an accident that make my right femur break into two parts and with whom I accident with? Women.

It is not that I’m put the blame fully on that woman. It’s just that I hope that she is fully trained when it comes to driving a car on the road. Women shouldn't be behind a wheel unless they acquired the required skill to drive skilfully on the road.

Monday 6 October 2014

The Critical Literacy

Assalamualaikum and greeting to all the readers. I hope you have a very pleasant day today and ahead. First and foremost, when I heard about Critical Literacy from the previous seniors I have to admit that my confidence level deescalated by all the comments and grievance that I heard them. Most of them told me that in critical literacy the most important thing to do is read, read, read, and read a lot. Because in order to fully grasps what critical literacy really is reading is a must. By reading, we can know what is the writer trying to convey in the text or article that the we read. By the fact that reading a lot of writing is vital if we wanted to achieved a good understanding of the subject it just make me hand shivers as what I detest the most is reading. Maybe detest is not the right word for it. But it is what I need to describe what my expectation when I first heard about the subject from the seniors.

Basically, most of the previous seniors have instill a bad perception towards the subject with all their comments and grievance. So, I entered the first class of the subject with a perception that Critical Literacy is hard, tiring, and a lot more harder than the previous subject in my mind. But then, it all changed after I was properly introduce about the subject from the lecturer. It was mind blowing, knowing that this subject is not as hard as the previous seniors was telling me. All of the comments and grievance was nothing but overrated because Critical literacy is nothing like what they claimed. 

They that claimed Critical Literacy is making their life harder than it already is and that statement greatly influence my perception towards the subject. But sadly, I have to disagree with that statement as what I can see is this subject help me to understand things better. I must say that this subject is really interesting. In the first class of this subject I was introduced to the Rule of Ten, whereas in that particular rules it will help me in analyzing articles and most importantly what the writer is trying to convey in his or her writing.  I hope I can gain more from this subject in the next class as I am eager to learn more.